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Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development: 6th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2005, Chicago, IL, USA, August 23-26, 2005, ... / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
Challenging False Logic Puzzles
Challenging Math Puzzles
Changing Television Environments: 6th European Conference, EuroITV 2008, Salzburg, Austria, July 3-4, 2008, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer ... Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI)
Charting the Topic Maps Research and Applications Landscape: First International Workshop on Topic Map Research and Applications, TMRA 2005, Leipzig, ... / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
Chinese Spoken Language Processing: 5th International Symposium, ISCSLP 2006, Singapore, December 13-16, 2006, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer ... / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
Choosing and Using Cmos
CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective (3rd Edition)
CMOS/BiCMOS ULSI: Low Voltage, Low Power (Prentice Hall Modern Semiconductor Design Series)
Codes, Ciphers, and Secret Languages
Coding and Cryptography: International Workshop, WCC 2005, Bergen, Norway, March 14-18, 2005, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Security and Cryptology)
Cognitive Psychology
Combinatorial Geometry and Graph Theory: Indonesia-Japan Joint Conference, IJCCGGT 2003, Bandung, Indonesia, September 13-16, 2003, Revised Selected ... Computer Science and General Issues)
Combinatorial Image Analysis: 11th International Workshop, IWCIA 2006, Berlin, Germany, June 19-21, 2006, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer ... Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics)
Combinatorics, Algorithms, Probabilistic and Experimental Methodologies: First International Symposium, ESCAPE 2007, Hangzhou, China, April 7-9, 2007, ... Computer Science and General Issues)
Communications and Multimedia Security: 10th IFIP TC-6 TC 11 International Conference, CMS 2006, Heraklion Crete, Greece, October 19-21, 2006, ... Computer Science / Security and Cryptology)
Communications and Multimedia Security: 9th IFIP TC-6 TC-11 International Conference, CMS 2005, Salzburg, Austria, September 19-21, 2005, Proceedings ... Computer Science / Security and Cryptology)
Comparative Evaluation of XML Information Retrieval Systems: 5th International Workshop of the Initiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval, INEX ... Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI)
Comparative Genomics: RECOMB 2005 International Workshop, RCG 2005, Dublin, Ireland, September 18-20, 2005, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Component Deployment: Third International Working Conference, CD 2005, Grenoble, France, November 28-29, 2005, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Programming and Software Engineering)
Component-Based Software Engineering: 10th International Symposium, CBSE 2007, Medford, MA, USA, July 9-11, 2007, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Programming and Software Engineering)
Component-Based Software Engineering: 8th International Symposium, CBSE 2005, St. Louis, MO, USA, May 14-15, 2005 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Programming and Software Engineering)
Component-Based Software Engineering: 9th International Symposium, CBSE 2006, V?steras, Sweden, June 29 - July 1, 2006, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in ... / Programming and Software Engineering)
Composition of Embedded Systems. Scientific and Industrial Issues: 13th Monterey Workshop 2006 Paris, France, October 16-18, 2006 Revised Selected ... / Programming and Software Engineering)
Computable Analysis: An Introduction (Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series)
Computational Analysis of Biochemical Systems: A Practical Guide for Biochemists and Molecular Biologists
Computational and Ambient Intelligence: 9th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2007, San Sebasti??n, Spain, June ... Computer Science and General Issues)
Computational and Information Science: First International Symposium, CIS 2004, Shanghai, China, December 16-18, 2004, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Computational Intelligence and Bioinformatics: International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2006, Kunming, China, August 16-19, 2006, ... Science / Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Computational Intelligence and Bioinspired Systems: 8th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2005, Vilanova i la Geltr?, ... Computer Science and General Issues)
Computational Intelligence and Security: International Conference, CIS 2005, Xi'an, China, December 15-19, 2005, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in ... Notes in Artificial Intelligence) (Pt. 1)
Computational Intelligence and Security: International Conference, CIS 2005, Xi'an, China, December 15-19, 2005, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes ... Notes in Artificial Intelligence) (Pt. 2)
Computational Intelligence: International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2006, Kunming, China, August 16-19, 2006, Proceedings, Part II ... / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
Computational Life Sciences: First International Symposium, CompLife 2005, Konstanz, Germany, September 25-27, 2005, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: Third International Conference, CICLing 2002, Mexico City, Mexico, February 17-23, 2002 Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 7th International Conference, CICLing 2006, Mexico City, Mexico, February 19-25, 2006, ... Computer Science and General Issues)